3 Tips for Preparing and Deciding on a Home Remodeling Project
There are several questions one should ask oneself before deciding on a remodeling project. Here are a few tips and reminders to help you when you are preparing for a major home remodel.
1. Establish Needs/Wants
Let's be realistic here. Most, if not all, home remodeling projects are thought of because we want something. There's nothing wrong with that, it is important to reward yourself once in awhile. But establishing the difference between wanting something and needing something is very important in determining a home remodeling project. This is different for everyone, so establish a balance before you jump into a remodeling project.
2. Establish a Budget
Now that you have decided on a project by separating your needs and wants, you need to create a budget. Whether or not you can afford the remodeling project is the ultimate determination for being able to complete it. If you have several projects you would like to complete, yet cannot afford the whole thing, separate it out. First complete your deck, then fix those floors, and so on.
3. Prepare an Alternative Space
Once you have decided on a remodeling project, it is important to establish an alternative living space. Major remodeling projects take time and will limit the usage of the room being remodeled. If your kitchen is being remodeled, have another space in your home prepared so that you can store your pots, pans, plates and so on. This goes the same with a bathroom or dining room. Contractors will try thier best to keep a room livable, but it is impossible to keep it at 100%.
These are just few things to think about when deciding on a home remodeling project. It is important to understand the "big picture" of a major home renovation to ensure that all necessary steps are taken in order to be the most prepared.
What other questions do you have? Leave your comments below and we will be happy to help.
Brad Way
Marketing and Sales Representative
Steve Way Builders, LLC - The Remodeling Specialist