5 Common Questions to Ask when Choosing a Remodeling Contractor
Every home remodeling project is different. Each project is unique in its own way, and in turn, requires its own specific questions. But there are some common questions that should be asked when you are selecting the right remodeling contractor for your project.
1. Have you completed a project similar to this one?
It is important to know if the contractor has the knowledge and skills to complete the particular project being discussed. People have different talents. Be sure that their experience in the industry prove beneficial for your project. If your interviewing a contractor who only specializes in exterior renovations, why would you have them install kitchen cabinets and counter tops. Make the contractor can prove to you that they can complete the job successfully. Remember, it never hurts to ask ti see pictures of their work, or perhaps even seeing completed remodeling projects in person.
2. Referalls?
Ask the interviewing remodeling contractor for referrals. After all, a past customer is the best example for proving top quality work and craftsmanship. A contractor is bound to speak highly of themselves, and most of the time it is true. But let others who have already worked with them tell you how good they are as well.
3. Who will be completing the work? Subcontractors? Self?
It is important to know who will be actually working on your home. Will you be meeting a new person everyday or dealing with the same people? Is there a crew leader that you will be dealing with? Getting to know and building a positive relationship with your contractor and his/her employees will ease communication and make the whole experience more enjoyable.
4. Who should I direct my questions to and how should this be done?
Once you have established who is completing the work, you need to know who to direct questions to and how it should be done. Some contractors prefer that all questions should be directed to them personally and not to those working on site. This way the crew can stay productive, and the whole "he said this and she said this" misunderstandings can never occur. Other times, contractors will have a crew leader on site that can answer all, or most, of your general questions regarding the work.
Since communication is very important during a remodeling project, it's best to keep it easy. Whether it is a question directed from contractor to home owner or vice versa, each party needs to know how it should be done. Should you strictly stick with talking over the phone or via email? If by phone, should you call the office/home phone or a cell phone? With the advances in social media and smart phones, sometimes it is easier to send emails or instant messages. It is up to you and the contractor to choose the form of communication that works the best.
5. How long will the project take to complete?
This question not only will help you compare contractors' knowledge and productivity, but it will also help you plan for the upcoming project. Having your home under construction can be very stressful and inconvenient. Simply asking this question will help you fully accept what is going on and what you will need to do to prepare for it. It is just like the well know saying, "It's easier said that done."
These are only a few questions that should be asked when planning your home remodeling project and choosing the correct contractor for the job. Feel free to add to this list.
What other questions would you ask and why?
Brad WayMarketing and Sales RepresentativeSteve Way Builders, LLC - The Remodeling Specialist